The initial scheme was for the removal of a concrete dolphin within the KGV dock to allow for the proposed expansion of the airport terminal and stands. Following on from the successful Dolphin removal a further £4.5m worth of work was instructed including landside civils, drainage, sub surface cable installation, dredging and marine support to UXO clearance teams.

For the dolphin removal a short construction period, with height restrictions on cranes, underwater demolition techniques and the proximity to live pedestrian routes and aircraft stands called for extensive planning of the project before arrival.
A 3D model was created of the working environment to allow for works to be visualised effectively and planned to minimise risks and manage conflicts. A barge with crawler crane were mobilised and a series of design checks and calculations meant the crane could operate at much higher capacities then would normally be allowed for a demolition project or for floating plant. This attention to detail before arrival on site meant the scheme was completed ahead of an already tight schedule.