Our client, required the mobilisation of a number of pile sleeves and a fendering system for a jetty project they were working on in Dagenham.

The pile sleeves posed several challenges due to their size and weight. Firstly, they had to be rotated from a horizontal position onto the low loader to a vertical orientation and securely fastened onto a barge. Additionally, the pre-fabricated fender system needed to be attached to the pile sleeves while they were still in a vertical position. Finally, all ancillary components had to be securely fastened to the barge's deck for transportation at sea.
6 no pile sleeves were manufactured to accept Shibata fender panels and cone rubbers. Upon completion of fabrication each pile sleeve was transported from the fabrication facility and moved by a low loader trailer to the dock edge where 2 no. cranes lifted from horizontal to vertical, each sleeve was then placed on board and sea fastened on the deck of a barge.
Panel fenders and rubbers were lifted from horizontal to vertical to then mate up with the pile sleeve. All access to the fender and sleeve connections were accessed via MEWP’s mounted on the barge deck.